Wednesday, January 2, 2008 - Vidcast 29 - RollSeries Milwaukee Comp.

This is newest "Official Brazilionaire Joint" and is the Last Vidcast for 2007... and we wanted to go out with a BANG! This edit features skating from the likes of Kruise Sapstein, Jeff Dahmen, Brian Bruno, Steve Lerner and many others. Roll Series is really taking off and we are real juiced to be able to bring this edit of the Milwaukee Roll Series Contest to you guys!


T. said...

not a kanye or mos def fan, but even i have to admit that track is the hotness. incredible skating too, but that goes without saying.

ANS said...

Sick! Bruno is Sick! Any Unity based trick is hot but when it's 360 Unity to Savannah (?) it's hotter!Makes me wish my knee wasn't least I know I'll never look at a rail in my entire life without assessing it's potential!